Monday, January 23, 2012

Still here

Well I'm still alive and I'm still here, I really need to get back into blogging.
I will start doing this more often.

The kids really keep us busy. If its not with a school activity, a game, concert of some kind its here at home.
We have also been trying to make a huge decision. I will share details later. We are not getting divorced or separated everyone assumes when they hear something like this so I'm just throwing it out there.

OK on with my post...
Raul turned 15 a few weeks ago. YES 15! We couldn't believe it has been 15 years already. Its a bittersweet feeling. He is a great young man. We are so proud of him.
 Raul got accepted into the law academy and Shs which means he is a bulldog. We are excited he decided to join the academy. Also he is doing wrestling for SHS. He had his first match 3 days after he started practicing. He had to join late since he couldn't attend practice till his transfer was signed which was done on the 4th of Jan.
He is also doing football off season training at shs. He is suppose to start track & field at Sw next month.

Our oldest girlie will turn 14 in 2 days. Daddy is not ready for his girls to grow. I love to tease him.
She is so excited to turn 14 bc that makes her closer to 15.
She is already talking about her quincenera. That happens when she turns 15. We start planning this a good 5-6 months in advanced.
Araceli is such a sweetheart, we are so proud of her.
She is still doing band and choir she enjoys singing, the band part she is still a little unsure if she will do it again next year.
Shes not athletic (she gets it from me) she says she gets her exercise from SURFING the net. Silly girl :)
I have to admit sometimes I wish they would consider trying at least one sport. She prefers not to, she doesn't like to trigger her Jra to act up.
Shes a wonderful smart girl. We love her and that huge smile she has. :)

Happy, happy birthday to our two oldest. We are very proud of both of you and love you more then words can explain.

Chely :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to them both! It sounds like you are very blessed. :)
