Well on the 25th was our 18th year anniversary.
The hubs and I have been together for 18 years.
A lifetime of memories have been made.
I have to give it to my hubs though.
These last 7 months I have been a mess.
I can be happy one second and totally in a funk the next second.
I have to give it to him though. Not once does he lose his cool. This man never looses his cool. Yes I'm an emotional wreck.
I know he does it bc he loves me he knows my heart is torn to pieces.
I'm getting it under control.
Things are getting better.
He isn't perfect and neither am I.
We both have our flaws (he has more then me :)
We have our ups and downs just like everyone else.
He says I'm high maintenance and the cause of half of his white hair.
The other half is caused by our 3 girls who are right behind me. (He says)
We learn new things everyday as a couple and as parents.
We try our best which sometimes isnt even half of that. Its ok though thats how you learn to get better at things.
He's a great man.
God has truly blessed me with him.
Thank you for 18 wonderful years and the many more that are to come.