About a week ago my now 3 year old niece (my brothers daughter) was diagnosed with Epilepsy.
She started having seizures a few weeks after my dad passed away last year. She had her first one August 4th, 2013. To date she has had about 18 seizures.
18 in a little more then a year. That is way to much for a little girl to go through.
The last one she had a few months ago was the worse of them all.
I arrived to my moms house as they were loading her into the ambulance.
From what I was told she turned blue. I have witnessed 13-14 of her seizures.
She was also told she has a horseshoe kidney. I've never heard of that before till a few months ago. Her kidney is connected basically shaped like a horseshoe.
It is terrifying to see her having a seizure.
It breaks my heart to know she will have to live with this all her life.
She won't be alone though.
Sometimes I think life is so unfair to us.
Things always seem to be going downhill and climbing back up gets more difficult every time. Then I realize life isn't being unfair. God sends us things like this to keep us united. To keep us close to eachother. To teach us that life might not seem good now but we have to learn to make the most of it.
And thats exactly what we are doing. Sticking together and making the most of it. I love all my nieces and nephews. I will always drop what I am doing to be by their side when they need me. Always!